Hello, my name is Dr. Adam Riva, and I am a Sports Medicine Physician at the Orthopedic Specialty Institute in Orange County. Every day, I do everything short of surgery to help my patients heal from their injuries and get…
Who Is Dr. Haze Hernandez?
Getting to Know the PTs of In Motion O.C. I knew from right around my junior year of high school that I wanted to pursue a career as a physical therapist. I grew up playing sports my whole life. Soccer,…
Getting Back on the Trails
3 Common Running Injuries and How to Heal Them The repetitive nature of running means prolific runners can be prone to a number of different injuries. However, if you are aware of the most common injuries, you can better understand…
What to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
How It’s Caused and Treated We use our hands for many different tasks throughout the day, from driving to eating and typing to twisting doorknobs. It’s no surprise that the hands and wrists are some of the most common areas…
The Best Responsibility – Being a Dad
When my dad was young, he didn’t get to spend a lot of time with his dad. Remembering how disappointing that was, he promised to be a positive force in his kids’ lives, and he succeeded. Out of all the…
Practice Good Posture
Are you one of the 86% of Americans that spend majority of your work day sitting at a desk? Are you aware of the effects that can have on the body, particularly if you are maintaining prolonged periods of poor…